
Dr. Andreas Mueller

Title: Driving 5G/6G@Bosch | General Chair of 5G-ACIA


Dr. Andreas Mueller is Bosch’s Chief Expert for Communication Technologies for the IoT and leading the current 6G activities of Bosch. In addition to that, he has been coordinating and driving the Industrial 5G activities of Bosch over the last couple of years. Andreas also serves as General Chair of the “5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation” (5G-ACIA), the globally leading initiative for driving and shaping Industrial 5G. He has a strong background in both telecommunications and vertical industry applications and is therefore well-positioned to drive the 5G/6G-enabled transformation in different vertical industries.


5G had from the very beginning a very strong focus on new applications in different vertical domains, including automotive, industrial, agriculture, healthcare, and so on. This triggered a lot of interest and activities in these industries, but after the initial hype is over, the status quo of 5G adoption in these verticals is still below original expectations in most cases. With the early developments towards 6G gaining more and more momentum, a key question therefore is if and why vertical industries should care about 6G right now. This talk highlights some important aspects in this respect, focusing especially on some of the expected new capabilities of 6G, such as the integration of communication and sensing.