Workshop on e-Health and m-Health Technologies for Ambient Assisted Living and Healthcare

International Workshop on e-Health and m-Health Technologies
for Ambient Assisted Living and Healthcare


The use of mobile devices is growing in the different daily activities, and its use started in young people, but elderly people is now using this type of devices. Technological equipments are widely improving and they include different sensors, which are able to acquire different physical and physiological data. The development of these systems is included in the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) technologies for wellbeing. The e-Health and m-Health solutions may not act only in the treatment and monitoring stages of different diseases, but it can act as preventive,promoting healthy lifestyles with the equipment that causes bad habits. These solutions can cooperate between them, health the people to live better, but the most important subject is the healthcare that will not start only at the hospital, but it starts

in the home. Databases, networking, graphical interfaces, data mining, machine learning, intelligent decision support systems and specialized programming languages are just a few of the technologies and research areas currently contributing to medical informatics. The motivation of this special session is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the application of ICT to healthcare and medicine in general and to the support of persons with special needs in particular. The development of this solutions for medical purposes should be validated according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the privacy of the data is important. Another accepted research studies may be related to the security and privacy of the information for its acceptance. In the case of medical rehabilitation and assistive technology, research in applications of ICT have contributed greatly to the enhancement of quality of life and full integration of all citizens into society. The use of Cloud computing and network connections, exploits the exchange of the information and improvement of this systems in the different fields, including the healthcare and traffic management. These developments should be closely performed with the participation of healthcare professionals. There are different solutions currently under development related to this field and, as it contributes to improve the quality of life, it can interact in the development of technologies for social help. It is a multidisciplinary and wide subject for the wellbeing. The authors from all fields working these subjects are encouraged to submit a paper presenting their recent work, or a scientific discussion on the topic.

Submit Workshop Paper


Authors are solicited to submit original, previously unpublished papers in the following, but not limited to, topic areas:

  • Health care information systems interoperability, security and efficiency;
  • Ambient intelligence for wellbeing and e-health applications, supported by RFID technology and Wireless Sensor Networks;
  • Mobile applications and ubiquitous devices in Healthcare and lifestyle training;
  • Robotic systems and devices for health care and medicine;
  • Technologies to promote a healthy and secure society;
  • Big Data Analytics for e-health;
  • Assessment of Acceptance/Adoption models Cultural Evaluation of e-health;
  • Acceptance e-health and economic growth Factors affecting e-health adoption;
  • Machine learning for healthcare;
  • Intelligent systems for young and elderly people using mobile devices;
  • Activities of Daily Living;
  • Human factors, efficient cost control and management in society;
  • Intelligent decision support and data systems in health care, medicine and society;
  • Innovation in people supporting activities (e.g. health care, schooling and services);
  • Embedded systems for healthcare;
  • IT Acceptance Models Acceptance of e-health services;
  • Major barriers and facilitators for e-health;
  • Biosignal Acquisition, Analysis and Processing;
  • Semantic Technologies and Cognition;
  • Neural Networks;
  • Physiological Computing in Mobile Devices;
  • Telemedicine;
  • Physiological Computing in Mobile Devices;
  • Augmented Reality in Healthcare using Wearable devices;
  • Sensors and Actuators;
  • ICT for development;
  • Cloud computing for healthcare;
  • Mobile application concepts and technologies for different mobile platforms.

The page limit for accepted regular workshop papers is 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.

Workshop Organizers

Ivan Miguel Pires, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, and Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Viseu, Portugal,

Important dates

Workshop paper deadline: August 28th, 2020
Camera-ready: October 2nd, 2020

Keynote Speaker

Hugo Plácido da Silva

Title: Invisibles – A New Frontier in Biomedical Sensing


In the U.S. alone, there are almost twice more heart attacks than reported home structure fires every year. Nevertheless, a typical household has multiple fire detectors to help prevent the latter, and virtually no way of warning about the former. Biomedical sensing, analysis, and interpretation are basic elements of wellbeing assessment, preventive healthcare, and creation of better healing environments. 

While wearables have contributed to make such elements a more pervasive and integral part of people’s daily lives, biomedical sensing can take health monitoring one step further. By incorporating biomedical sensing in the surrounding environment in a more integrated way, biomedical sensing can become much more pervasive. Although this approach is not likely to “replace” regular methods, they may act as an invisible proxy or complement to regular care. 

In this talk we will provide a brief introduction to the “invisibles” approach to biomedical sensing, describing some of the ways in which they can be incorporated in our everyday lives, and presenting practical examples of tools and conceptual installations that illustrate how the living space of the future may become an “invisible doctor”. 


PhD and MSc degrees in Electrical and Computers Engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) – University of Lisbon (UL). Hugo is a researcher at the IT – Instituto de Telecomunicações ( since 2004, and a Professor at IST/UL ( since 2019. He is also one of the co-founders of PLUX – Wireless Biosignals, S.A. (, established in 2007 as an innovative technology-based company operating in the field of medical devices for healthcare and quality of life, where he is currently Chief Innovation Officer.

More recently, Hugo has been actively working towards making biomedical engineering more widespread through BITalino (, an open source software and low-cost hardware toolkit, which allows anyone from students to professional app developers, to create projects and applications with physiological sensors.

His main interest areas include biosignal research, system engineering, signal processing, and pattern recognition, and his work has been distinguished with several academic and technical awards such as the “alumniIPS” career award in 2019, the “Best Industrial and Enabling Technology” at the European Commission’s DG-CONNECT Innovation Radar Prize in 2017, the 1st place at the Portuguese Young Engineer Innovation Awards in 2015, the “Most Innovative Technology” award at the MIT Portugal E3 Forum in 2013, just to name a few.

Both at a technical and scientific level, Hugo has actively contributed to and participated in more than 20 national and European projects, funded by grants from Horizon 2020 (H2020), the Seventh Framework Programme (EU-FP7), the National Strategic Reference Framework (QREN/NSRF), the FCT, and several other private and public institutions (e.g. Vodafone Foundation, Portugal Telecom Foundation, etc.). He has published 140+ papers in international refereed conferences, peer reviewed journals, and book chapters.

Hugo is an IEEE Senior Member since 2018 and IEEE Member since 2010, affiliated with the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Furthermore, he is an active member of the IEEE EMBS Portugal Chapter, where he is currently one of the elected officers.