Call For Participation
Call For Demos
Submission/Author Kit
Message from the Chairs
Message from the PC Chairs
-Organizing Committee
-Program Committee
-Steering Committee
-Technical Program
-Keynote Speakers
-Advances in Sensor Nets
-Personalized Networks
-Ubiquitous Access Control
-Conference Site
-Hotel Reservations
-Travel Information
-Visa Information
Mobiquitous 2004
Mobiquitous 2005
Contact Us

Visa Information
Over the past couple years the obtaining of a visa has become more complex
which requires more attention, energy and time. Additionally, embassies have
different requirements. Some may request a letter from ICST verifying intentions
of conference participant, confirmation that the paper was accepted, a receipt
that conference fees have been paid in full, and/or an appearance or interview by
conference participant. As a result of these requirements by some embassies, ICST
encourages attendees to apply no later than 3 (three) months prior the conference.
ICST will issue visa letters to:
keynote speakers, presenters, panelists
any organizing committee member
people professionally or personally known by a committee member
Conference participants who have paid for their
registration fee in full. If you reside in a country which
does not have a functional United States Embassy or Consulate
you should seek a U.S. Visa through a neighboring country.
To request a visa letter please provide the following information:
conference/workshop title, date and location
the amount of fees paid by the requestor
your intention as either a participant, presenter, committee member, speaker,
panelist, etc.
Additional information can be found on the U.S. Department of State Bureau of
Consular Affairs Visa Services Web Site - https://travel.state.gov/visa/index.html
Forward your requests to:
[email protected]