Call For Participation
Call For Demos
Submission/Author Kit
Message from the Chairs
Message from the PC Chairs
-Organizing Committee
-Program Committee
-Steering Committee
-Technical Program
-Keynote Speakers
-Advances in Sensor Nets
-Personalized Networks
-Ubiquitous Access Control
-Conference Site
-Hotel Reservations
-Travel Information
-Visa Information
Mobiquitous 2004
Mobiquitous 2005
Contact Us

The 3rd Annual International Conference on Mobile and
Ubiquitous Systems: Networks and
Services (MOBIQUITOUS 2006)
July 17-21, 2006 - San Jose, California
In Cooperation with ACM SIGMOBILE
Co-Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and the EU (IST-FET)
The combinaton of mobile and ubiquitous computing is emerging as a promising new
paradigm with the goal to provide computing and communication services all the time,
everywhere, transparently and invisibly to the user, using devices embedded in the
surrounding physical environment. In this context, the communication devices, the
objects with which they interact, or both may be mobile. The implementation of such
a paradigm requires advances in wireless network technologies and devices, development
of infrastructures supporting cognitive environments, and discovery and identification
of ubiquitous computing applications and services.
The third Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems:
Networks and Services (Mobiquitous-06) will
explore these issues in a forum where practitioners and researchers from many areas
involved in ubiquitous solutions design and deployment will be able to
interact. Areas addressed by the conference include: applications, service-oriented
computing, middle ware, networking, agents, knowledge management and databases. Please
see the Call For Papers for a more
complete listing. Accepted papers will be placed in the IEEE Digital Library.
June 25th, 2006: Alternative forms for registration
(in PDF and DOC formats)
are now available.
June 23rd, 2006: The deadline for all camera-ready
papers (workshops included) is now June 28th. This is a
hard deadline. Please see the author
kit for submission details.
June 12th, 2006: The Call For Participation is now available online.
June 5th, 2006: The final program is now available online.
Important Dates
Camera-Ready Submissions and Author Registration: May 29nd, 2006
Early Registration Deadline: June 17, 2006
Hotel Reservation Information
Pre-Register for rooms at the
Conference Hotel before June 29th, 2006 for the negotiated rate of $99 (plus tax) per night.(ONLINE REGISTRATION OPEN)